
Fashion & Business and Development alumnus Duncan van Norden reskins sneakers: "The shoe manufacturing process has such a huge impact on people and the environment"

November 27, 2023

The Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences interviewed van AMFI alumnus Duncan van Norden about his ideas.

"Since I was young, I've been fascinated by shoes. That's why I decided to study at AMFI, where I could learn more about shoe design and production. I then secured an internship at Footwearology, an innovation centre for experts in the footwear industry, which was ideal. Whilst there, I gained knowledge on footwear technology, 3D printing, 3D knitting, and the use of advanced techniques, such as artificial intelligence, to create shoes, all in their specialised lab located in Barcelona. The focus was also on recycling and repairing shoes. The shoe manufacturing process has such a huge impact on people and the environment; so many materials are just thrown away. Therefore, it is especially important to raise awareness in this industry."

Duncan van Norden

"I don't see sustainable design as a limiting factor. Rather as an additional rule that makes the design and production process more interesting and fun. There are already some inspiring examples. Companies like Amsterdam-based Peterson+Stoop that redesigns shoes through a new, unique sole. Based on that ideology, I developed the production method 'reskinning trainers' within Footwearology; a kind of sock you wear around your trainer. I was lucky enough to have a knitting machine at the Barcelona office where I could practice endlessly."

Read the full article on the AUAS website