
Roger Gerards represents AMFI at Sino-Dutch Circular Fashion Dialogue

October 02, 2023

Roger Gerards, Head of Fashion & Design at AMFI, represented AMFI last week with a digital presentation at the Sino-Dutch Circular Fashion Dialogue, during Shenzhen Fashion Week.

The aim of the event was to explore the future of fashion through the lens of creative collaboration and circularity with partners as Control Union, Modint, Waste2Wear and the Dutch consulate in GhuangZho.

Shenzhen 2

The key takeaways of the seminar were:

1. Rich Textile Knowledge: The depth of knowledge about textiles and craftsmanship in China is truly impressive. It made us appreciate the connection between creators and their products, a connection that we often overlook in the Netherlands due to the dwindling manufacturing industry.

2. Natural Dye Initiatives: Several initiatives focused on natural dyeing processes, a critical step in reducing the environmental impact of textile production. For example, Luo Ying's "waste-free dyeing and circular design project" at Shenzhen University is a promising endeavor.

3. Knowledge Exchange: Collaboration is key. We should work collectively with Chinese entrepreneurs who share our vision for a fair, circular, and nature-positive textile industry. Sharing strategic advice and practical know-how, such as re- and upcycling denim, which is a huge industry in the area of Guangdong, can help drive positive change.

4. Reciprocal Benefits: China can help us build reliable, transparent supply chains and share their expertise in digitalization and innovative technologies like ultra-intelligent body scans. These advancements could revolutionize tailor-made fashion.

5. Ongoing Dialogue: Knowledge sharing is an ongoing process. China is already making strides in eco-dyeing and innovative techniques. It's crucial to maintain this dialogue and continue learning from each other.
